DUI and Bodily Harm in Las Vegas Nevada
A DUI charge that involves bodily harm or death to another person is a felony charge. A conviction could result in the following penalties:
A mandatory prison sentence of at least 2 years and up to 20 years
Fines of $2,000 to $5,000 as well as additional, fees, and assessments
Mandatory attendance of the Victim Impact Panel
If you are convicted with a DUI in Las Vegas, even if this is the first DUI charge you’ve faced, and it was found that you caused bodily harm or the death of another person you will face felony charges and the serious consequences mentioned above. A DUI felony conviction can also have a negative effect on current and future employment.
Choosing the right representation, one with experience and expertise in DUI cases, may be all the difference in the world. Do not face this moment alone. Call us today at 702.701.7800.